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Student Online Textbooks

Textbook Support

District Textbook Policies & Procedures

Andre Pecina, Administrator...730-7555
Grant Berger, K-12 District Contact ... 651.1605
Jonathan Alvarez,  District Contact ... 651.1605

Robin Berger, Office Manager ... 730.7555
Ariel Barrios, Secretary ... 730.7555


"The Governing Board recognizes that students' educational opportunities are enhanced when they have sufficient access to high-quality textbooks and other instructional materials" - BP 6161

The Visalia Unified School District has adopted a base program of textbooks and instructional materials that serve as the founding set of tools for all students and teachers. VUSD is committed to supplying this base program for all students and teachers.


Principal - Appoint a textbook coordinator at the beginning of each year. Know what materials are designated base program. Follow the progress of any adoption.
         Main contact person:  Grant Berger (559.651.1605).

Textbook Coordinator (TC) - Appointed by the site principal to serve as point-of-contact at the site for all instructional material questions/concerns. Attend the annual TC meeting in September and other meetings as necessary. Become familiar in detail with the name and publisher of all base program materials including both student and teacher resources. The TC also maintains the site inventory of all instructional materials and takes the appropriate action for lost or damaged materials.
           Johnathan Alvarez (559.651.1605) textbooks warehouse
           Grant Berger (559.651.1605) for K-12 material requests, textbook warehouse, K-12 problems, concerns, or questions.                                  

Elementary - Complete Inventory Excel Files for each grade level and submit files to Robin Berger at the end of March. Material requests are emailed to Grant Berger.

Secondary - All instructional material inventory is maintained on InfoCenter with oversight by Grant Berger. The K-12 TC works with department chair to verify student material need and submits requests to Grant Berger. Requests are filled from stock or new items are processed through district requisition procedures. Shipping is directed to school site in TC name. TC receives materials and confirms with Library Technician that order is complete, submit orange requisition form to finance with copy to Robin Berger. Library Technician processes materials before sending to department chair for distribution.

Library Technician (7-12) - Library technician verifies order is complete and follows up with vendor on any order not complete. Aid processes each book into InfoCenter and distributes order to department chair.

Department Chair (7-12) - Each department chair keeps track of instructional material needs for their department. Each chair coordinates need with the site TC and works with the TC to ensure all classrooms within a department

Teacher - Attend textbook training when appropriate. Study the textbook and supporting materials to plan how to appropriately use these tools to support student success. Monitor usage and report damaged or lost books to the Textbook Coordinator.

Shipping/Receiving Clerk (Grant Berger) - Housed at the Textbook Warehouse; track distribution of all textbooks. Support distribution of materials to site as needed.        

Library Media Manager (Valerie Seita) - Housed at the EOC; Oversee the textbook division and all related operations.

Coordinator of Curriculum (Andre Pecina, K-12) - Housed at the EOC; know what materials are designated base program for assigned grades/subjects. Coordinate primary adoption process. Organize and promote appropriate training. Maintain awareness of upcoming adoptions and material changes.
          Johnathan Alvarez (559.651.1605) textbook warehouse
          Grant Berger (559.651.1605) for K-12 material requests, textbook warehouse, K-12 problems, concerns, or questions
          Grant Berger  (559.651.1605) K-12 lost/damaged payments




The Visalia Unified School District is committed to providing instructional materials for all students and teachers (Ed Code 60119 ). Base program for all four core content areas is defined by the list of student textbooks by grade and subject matter. In the event that any student does not have access to an appropriate textbook, notify the site Textbook Coordinators.


Per education code 60119, the local board will annually adoption all textbooks and instructional materials currently being used in the K-12 base program. Director of Curriculum will initiate BIA in August and preside during board action.

Each year, the Director of Curriculum will request that each site designate a Textbook Coordinator (TC). The TC will oversee the procurement, inventory, and distribution of textbook materials at their site. The TC will monitor site systems to ensure book inventory is current and book recovery procedures are enforced. The TC will be the point of contact with the district shipping/receiving clerk (Grant Berger ).

The Library Media Manager will meet with this team on an annual basis or more often if needed to coordinate textbook services and procedures throughout the district.

NEW ADOPTIONS - The following information pertains to new adoptions.

Adoption Coordinator

  • Adoption Coordinator will oversee the adoption process. Duties include:
    • Regular updates to Curriculum Division, Area Administrators, Principals, and Textbook Clerk
    • Organize Adoption Committee
    • Organize vendor presentations
    • Oversee Committee work
    • Board communications (adoption process, committee/public comment, recommendation)


  • In the best case scenario, new materials should be adopted and delivered to teachers by the end of their school year so they can review the material and plan to incorporate it into their next school year. As such, the following timeline should be sought:
    • December - Adoption Committee established
    • January - Board announcement
    • February - Material display and vendor presentations
    • March - Committee work completed
    • March - Board presentation and adoption
    • Mid April/May - Ordering complete
    • June/August - Distribution complete

Adoption Committee

  • Site principals will appoint teacher representation to establish an Adoption Committee
  • Adoption Committee will include Curriculum Directors, TOSA, and any other representation deemed important from the Curriculum Division and Area Administration Division.
  • Coordinator will organize one or more vendor presentations, mindful that all VUSD employees are prohibited from receiving vendor perks that might influence selection.
  • Committee members are requested to share vendor information to their respective staff members and gather input from colleagues at the site.
  • Coordinator will organize debate and discussions on adoption choices. Committee comments will be collected and synthesized by coordinator to be included in board presentation.
  • Committee will vote on publisher. Majority will rule.
  • Coordinator will work with the committee to determine the list of materials within the adoption to be designated "base program" and those items that would be considered "supplemental."

Public Input

  • Adoption Materials will be on public display outside the Board Room of the Education Complex, at the Visalia Learning Center at least four weeks prior to board adoption.
  • An input box for public comment will be made available at each location.
  • Coordinator will synthesize public comments to include them in board presentation.

Board Communication and Action

  • Board announcement outlining local adoption procedures will be made three months prior to board adoption. Coordinator initiates BAI.
  • Coordinator will make a board presentation that includes synthesized comments from public and adoption committee as well as publisher recommendation.
  • Board adoption is required for all base textbook adoption. Coordinator initiates BAI.

Initial Staff Training

  • Adoption Coordinator will organize a series of training venues for the newly adopted materials.


How do I order additional ADOPTED textbooks (K-6)?
Due to enrollment growth or class configuration changes, additional materials may be needed. In this event, please do the following:

  1. Verify the need with site Textbook Coordinator (TC). TC is the sole contact to Textbook Clerk.
  2. TC complete form (click here) and email form to Grant Berger.
  3. Order must be received by noon for stock orders to be delivered within 48 hours..
  4. Shipping/Receiving Clerk will notify TC if delay is expected.
  5. If order can not be completed through Stock, a requisition will be made. Expect 2 weeks for delivery unless otherwise noted.
  6. Site Secretary or TC must sign for delivery and keep copy for site records. Shipping/Receiving will return signed copy for file at VLC.
  7. ORDERS DIRECTLY FROM PUBLISHER: If textbook orders arrive directly from publisher, check each shipment against against packing slip and against original Requisition to verify that the order is complete.
    1. COMPLETE ORDER: If the order is complete,  send the "site copy" of packing slip to Robin Berger a for payment processing. 
    2. INCOMPLETE OR DISCREPANCY ORDERS: TC confirm discrepancy and reconcile with publisher. Request assistance (Jayne) if needed.

How do I order NON-ADOPTED supplemental instructional materials?
Supporting materials not under the base program list may be purchased with site funds. Sites must process their own orders and follow consistent inventory procedures.

How do I know the supplemental materials is legal to use?
Determine if the item is compliant using the following CDE Website:


How do I get a replacement textbook?
If a book is lost or damaged, please notify the Textbook Coordinator (TC) at the site. The TC will e-mail request to district contact (Grant Berger, K-12). A replacement will be delivered.

Who pays for the replacement?
The Student is to be charged for lost/damaged materials. Please make your best attempt to recover this cost (refer to the base program list for price). Complete the “lost or damaged textbook bill” (click to download), give a copy to the parent, keep a copy for the school records, and send a copy with payment to: Grant Berger,. Checks should be made payable to Visalia Unified School District. The State Department requires the district to maintain this form as proof that recovery cost was attempted.

Who gets the replacement money?
Send the replacement money (check or currency) to the district office; Attention: Karina Vargas. If the book is returned after the payment is made, the parent will need to be reimbursed. Send Grant Berger a copy of the original form indicating that the book was returned and that a reimbursement to the parent needs to be made. Grant Berger will issue a GS1 to have a check sent to the parent for reimbursement.


In accordance with Board Policy 3270, district-owned books that become obsolete are to be declared such by one of four criteria.

  • Information is outdated, inaccurate, or incomplete
  • More recent versions or editions are preferred and existing material shows no foreseeable value in other instructional areas.
  • Materials contains demeaning, stereotyping or patronizing references.
  • Damaged beyond repair.

Board will designate a list of materials as obsolete or withdrawn. LIbrary Media Manager will initiate the BIA and represent the board action. Following the board action, the Textbook Coordinator will oversee that all withdrawn or obsolete materials are stamped "withdrawn" or "obsolete" on the inside cover and binding. Each site has one or more of these stamps. Additional stamps can be orderd through Office Depot.

Materials are discarded in the following manner:

  1. Offer materials to students for home study.
  2. Offer materials to private schools and home school families.
  3. Offer the materials to non-profit organizations.
  4. Contact Grant Berger, EOC
    Please note
    • place them in small boxes (e.g. case of paper)
    • email Grant Berger the number of boxes and location.


If a K-12 site has excess materials, e-mail Grant Berger the title and quantity of each item. Grant will coordinate pick up time. Place materials in small boxes located in a convenient place for Grant Berger to receive.


The district maintains a textbook warehousel. The warehouse holds a stock of all student materials deemed base program for grades K-12. Teachers who need student materials must notify their site TC who then email's Grant Berger their need. 

Most secondary school materials are stored on site managed by the department chair under the direction of the AP of C&I. Overage of materials are house in the East Union textbook stockroom under the direction of Textbook Staff. All materials are inventoried through InfoCenter under the direction of the Textbook Staff.



Crestwood, Conyer, Crowley, Four Creeks, Golden Oak, Goshen, Highland, Houston, Ivanhoe, Mountain View, Veva Blunt, Washington